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Results for search "Myopia (Nearsightedness)".

Health News Results - 2

13 Jul
Low-Dose Eyedrops No Better Than Placebo for Nearsightedness Among Kids

Low-Dose Eyedrops No Better Than Placebo for Nearsightedness Among Kids

Low doses of the eyedrops ophthalmologists use to dilate your pupils during an eye exam are not able to slow the progression of nearsightedness (myopia) in children, a new clinical trial has found.

Atropine eyedrops at a concentration of 0.01% did not outperform placebo ...

02 Jun
Drug Might Help Slow Nearsightedness in Kids

Drug Might Help Slow Nearsightedness in Kids

There is no cure for nearsightedness, but medicated eye drops can slow down its progression in children, a new trial finds.

The study tested the effects of eye drops containing a very low dose of the drug atropine -- the same medication used to dilate the pupils during a...