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Results for search "Eye / Vision Problems: Misc.".

22 Jul

Simple Supplement May Slow Vision Loss in Patients with Common Form of Macular Degeneration

A new study finds a daily supplement of antioxidants and minerals may slow central vision loss in people with late dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Health News Results - 109

03 Oct
Stem Cell Therapy Might Repair Vision-Robbing Holes in Retinas

Stem Cell Therapy Might Repair Vision-Robbing Holes in Retinas

Japanese researchers have successfully used a transplant of human stem cells to close a hole in a key part of a monkey's retina.

They say the achievement could pave the way for better treatment of small gaps that form in the macula, the central part of the eye's retina. ...

02 Oct
Scientists Get Closer to Stopping Macular Degeneration

Scientists Get Closer to Stopping Macular Degeneration

Scientists say they've discovered a protein that seems crucial to the onset of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a common cause of blindness in ol...

23 Sep
Cataracts Gone Without Surgery? New Science Suggests It's Possible

Cataracts Gone Without Surgery? New Science Suggests It's Possible

Research in rats and hibernating squirrels has pinpointed a naturally occurring protein that appears to reverse cataracts, scientists report.

Animal studies don't always pan out in people, of course. But the discovery of the RNF114 protein raises the possibility of surge...

12 Sep
Ingredient in Hair Dye Led to Woman's Vision Loss

Ingredient in Hair Dye Led to Woman's Vision Loss

An ingredient in the hair dye a French woman used caused her to develop a vision-robbing retinopathy, researchers report.

When she switched to a dye witho...

09 Sep
He's Doing Great a Year After World's First Eye and Partial Face Transplant

He's Doing Great a Year After World's First Eye and Partial Face Transplant

Key Takeaways

  • The recipient of the world’s first combined whole-eye and partial face transplant is doing well more than a year out from his groundbreaking surgery, NYU Langone doctors report.

    Aaron James, a 46-year-old military vete...

08 Sep
Healthy Tips to Protect Your Eyes' Retinas as You Age

Healthy Tips to Protect Your Eyes' Retinas as You Age

Getting older tends to go hand in hand with failing vision, but eye experts say there are things you can do to preserve your sight as you age.

The risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy increases among seniors, but vision loss and blindne...

06 Sep
Gene Therapy Reverses a Rare Cause of Vision Loss

Gene Therapy Reverses a Rare Cause of Vision Loss

Gene therapy may restore vision to children and adults robbed of their sight by a rare inherited condition called Leber congenital amaurosis, researchers report.

The illness is caused by mutations in the GUCY2D gene, which is critical to producing proteins that enable vi...

24 Aug
Does Your Child Need Glasses? Look for These Signs

Does Your Child Need Glasses? Look for These Signs

You've noticed your young child complains of headaches and rubs their eyes a lot. Does that mean it's time to get glasses?

It could, says a Baylor College of Medicine expert, and noticing these signs early is critical for young children because their schoolwork could suf...

15 Aug
Need a Low-Cost Eye Exam, Glasses? The State You Live In Is Key

Need a Low-Cost Eye Exam, Glasses? The State You Live In Is Key

When it comes to Medicaid and vision care, how much coverage people get depends on the state in which they live, a new study finds.

Most Medicaid enrollees have at least some routine vision coverage, but an estimated 6.5 million adults live in states without comprehensiv...

22 Jul
Scientists May Have Stopped a Form of Inherited Blindness in Dogs

Scientists May Have Stopped a Form of Inherited Blindness in Dogs

In her youth, Shola, an English Shepherd Dog, was a member of the Edale Mountain Rescue Team, a corps of U.K. pooches charged with helping hurt and stranded hikers.

But Shola was retired as part of the Rescue Team after a rare genetic disease affecting dogs, called prog...

22 Jul
Daily Supplements May Slow 'Dry' Form of Macular Degeneration

Daily Supplements May Slow 'Dry' Form of Macular Degeneration

Daily supplements can slow loss of vision related to late-stage “dry” age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a new study finds.

The r...

16 Jul
How to Predict Who Will Respond to Glaucoma Treatment -- and Who Won't

How to Predict Who Will Respond to Glaucoma Treatment -- and Who Won't

An experimental blood test might be able to predict whether glaucoma patients will continue to lose their vision following treatment, researchers report.

A biochemical called nicot...

03 Jul
GLP-1 Drugs Ozempic, Wegovy Linked to Rare Blinding Condition

GLP-1 Drugs Ozempic, Wegovy Linked to Rare Blinding Condition

Trendy weight-loss drugs appear to increase the risk of a rare and potentially blinding eye condition, a new study warns.

People with diabetes prescribed semaglutide (Ozempic,

25 Jun
Cholesterol Med Might Slow Vision Loss in People With Diabetes

Cholesterol Med Might Slow Vision Loss in People With Diabetes

A well-established cholesterol-lowering drug appears to significantly slow the progression of a diabetes-related eye disease, a new trial shows.

15 Jun
Protect Your Eyes From Summer's Dangers

Protect Your Eyes From Summer's Dangers

Summertime is primetime for the great outdoors, but that can mean new hazards for your eyes, one expert warned.

Simple steps can help cut the risk, said ophthalmologist Dr. Masih Ahmed, an assistant profe...

13 Jun
Robotic Procedure Helps Treat Macular Degeneration

Robotic Procedure Helps Treat Macular Degeneration

Robot-guided radiation therapy can improve treatment for age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss and blindness among American seniors, a new study shows.

Precisely targeted radiation treatment reduced by a quarter the number of routine injectio...

06 May
Gene Therapy Improves Vision in People With Inherited Blindness

Gene Therapy Improves Vision in People With Inherited Blindness

An injectable gene therapy caused measurable improvements in vision among a small group of people with inherited blindness, an early-stage clinical trial says.

Researchers recruited 14 people with Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA), a rare genetic condition that causes bab...

16 Apr
Blinking: It's About More Than Moistening the Eye

Blinking: It's About More Than Moistening the Eye

Most folks think of blinking as the eyes' version of windshield wipers, clearing the eye of debris and maybe lubricating it, too.

But blinking is much more than that, researchers report: It also helps the brain process what it's seeing.

That's perhaps counterintuit...

08 Apr
Watching the Solar Eclipse, Safely

Watching the Solar Eclipse, Safely

Today is your last chance until 2044 to see a total eclipse of the sun in the continental United States.

But be sure to protect your eyes if you plan to watch the moon block the sun's rays, briefly plunging Earth into temporary darkness. 

"The eclipse will las...

05 Apr
Eclipse Viewing Safety: Keeping Your & Your Kid's Vision Safe

Eclipse Viewing Safety: Keeping Your & Your Kid's Vision Safe

People preparing to watch Monday's total eclipse of the sun need to protect their vision during the event, eye doctors say.

Powerful ultraviolet rays can do permanent damage to the eyes if people look directly at the sun as the moon is sliding into place before it, said ...

02 Apr
One-Third of Americans Don't Know Vision Risks From Solar Eclipse, Survey Finds

One-Third of Americans Don't Know Vision Risks From Solar Eclipse, Survey Finds

A total eclipse of the sun is coming up next week, and many folks don't know that watching it unprotected can cause permanent eye damage, a new survey finds.

Nearly 30% of Americans don't know that looking directly into a solar eclipse without proper eye protection can c...

02 Apr
Better Eye-Tracking: A Hidden Advantage for Sportsmen, Gamers

Better Eye-Tracking: A Hidden Advantage for Sportsmen, Gamers

Smacking a 100-mile-an-hour fastball or shooting down a fast-moving alien invader in a video game might involve more than fast reflexes, researchers report.

Elite gamers and pro athletes may also have a hidden vision advantage over others, a new study finds.

Some p...

29 Mar
Eye's 'Microbiome' Could Give Clues to Better Dry Eye Treatments

Eye's 'Microbiome' Could Give Clues to Better Dry Eye Treatments

Folks suffering from dry eyes might have a problem with the naturally occurring bacteria found on the surface of their eyes, a new study suggests.

There are key differences in the microbes found on dye eye patients compared to folks with normal eyes, researchers found.

08 Mar
Could 'Lazy Eye' in Childhood Raise Risks for Adult Disease?

Could 'Lazy Eye' in Childhood Raise Risks for Adult Disease?

Children with "lazy eye"are more likely to become adults facing an array of serious health problems, a new study warns.

Kids diagnosed with amblyopia are more likely to develop

29 Feb
Simple Eye Test Might Spot Autism in Kids

Simple Eye Test Might Spot Autism in Kids

The eyes may have it when it comes to the early diagnosis of autism in children, a new study finds.

Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), have pinpointed a gene that affects how kids' eyes react when they turn their heads.

Typically, pe...

27 Feb
Eye Ointments Sold at Walmart, CVS Recalled Due to Infection Risk

Eye Ointments Sold at Walmart, CVS Recalled Due to Infection Risk

Eye ointment products made in India and sold in the United States at Walmart, CVS and other retailers are being recalled due to a danger of infection.

Brassica Pharma Pvt. Ltd., of Maharastra, India, said it is recalling various eye lubricant products labeled Equate, CVS...

23 Feb
AI Outperforms Eye Docs in Managing Glaucoma

AI Outperforms Eye Docs in Managing Glaucoma

FRIDAY, Feb. 23, 2024 (HealthDay news) -- Artificial intelligence can match and even outperform human eye doctors in diagnosing and treating glaucoma, a new study finds.

The GPT-4 system from OpenAI did as well or better than ophthalmologists in assessing 20 different pa...

06 Feb
Diagnosed With Macular Degeneration? Here's What You Need to Know

Diagnosed With Macular Degeneration? Here's What You Need to Know

Age-related macular degeneration can lead to vision loss in seniors, but new therapies have offered fresh hope for preserving eyesight later in life, eye experts say.

These cutting-edge therapies benefit both the dry and wet types of age-related macular degeneration (AMD...

03 Feb
Nighttime Driving: Know the Risks

Nighttime Driving: Know the Risks

Driving at night can be risky business, as a dangerous combination of darkness and the glare of bright lights can make it hard to see the road, but one expert offers some safety tips.

"If you have to drive in the evening time and you're not comfortable, try to stick with...

01 Feb
FDA Warns of Dangerous Counterfeit Eyedrops

FDA Warns of Dangerous Counterfeit Eyedrops

Certain copycat eyedrops may be contaminated and could give users an antibiotic-resistant eye infection, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned Wednesday.

The packaging for South Moon, Rebright and FivFivGo eyedrops mirrors the packaging for Bausch & Lomb's Lum...

24 Jan
Odd Vision Troubles Could Be Early Alzheimer's Sign

Odd Vision Troubles Could Be Early Alzheimer's Sign

Strange visual disturbances occur early in about 10% of Alzheimer's cases, and when this happens it almost always signals the impending arrival of the disease, a new study finds.

The condition is called posterior cortical atrophy (PCA). It involves a sudden difficulty in...

23 Jan
Black People Far More Likely to Get Glaucoma, and Genes May Explain Why

Black People Far More Likely to Get Glaucoma, and Genes May Explain Why

Black people are five times as likely as others to develop glaucoma and up to 15 times more likely to be blinded by the degenerative eye disease.

Now, a new study reports that genetics appears to be at least one factor contributing to this increased risk.


16 Jan
Does More Outdoor Light at Night Help Cause Macular Degeneration?

Does More Outdoor Light at Night Help Cause Macular Degeneration?

As levels of nighttime artificial outdoor light rise, so do the odds for a leading cause of vision loss, age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

South Korean researchers found that people living in areas of that country with the highest levels of streetlights and other a...

02 Jan
Know the Facts About Glaucoma

Know the Facts About Glaucoma

Glaucoma can steal your sight before you even realize it, and early diagnosis is the best way to prevent it.

Many of the 3 million Americans who have glaucoma are unaware of it because they have no symptoms, according to the Glaucoma Foundation. In

02 Jan
Do You Really Need to Fast Before a Common Cardiac Test?

Do You Really Need to Fast Before a Common Cardiac Test?

Prolonged fasting before an internal heart exam done under sedation may be unnecessary, new research suggests.

Typically, patients undergoing coronary artery catherization are told to take nothing by mouth after midnight before the procedure, but a randomized controlled ...

02 Jan
Regret After Gender-Affirming Surgery Is Largely a Myth, Experts Say

Regret After Gender-Affirming Surgery Is Largely a Myth, Experts Say

Despite a common belief in the medical community and elsewhere, the vast majority of people who undergo gender-affirming surgery do not regret it later.

In all, less than 1% of people who underwent gender-affirming surgery said they wished they hadn't done it, a new revi...

29 Dec
Poor Vision & Falls: A Deadly Combo for Seniors

Poor Vision & Falls: A Deadly Combo for Seniors

Seniors with vision issues are at much higher risk for dangerous falls, new research confirms.

Compared to seniors with good vision, the odds for a fall rose by 38% for seniors with glaucoma, 36% for those with cataracts and 25% for seniors with age-related macular degen...

22 Dec
Santa's Reindeer Evolved to Better Spot Their Favorite Food

Santa's Reindeer Evolved to Better Spot Their Favorite Food

No glowing red nose required: Real reindeer don't need Rudolph's help to find the Arctic food they love most, new research shows.

If you're a reindeer, your go-to favorite food is a humble moss-like lichen called Cladonia rangiferina, explained researchers at Da...

22 Dec
Screens Are Everywhere: Resolve to Protect Your Vision

Screens Are Everywhere: Resolve to Protect Your Vision

Screens are everywhere -- on desks, in laps, on the wall -- and eye strain is a temporary but uncomfortable condition that comes with overuse.

Folks spending too much time with screens can develop dry eyes, blurry vision, tearing or watering eyes, or a headache, warns th...

21 Dec
Eye Drop Recalls: What You Need to Know

Eye Drop Recalls: What You Need to Know

Dozens of over-the-counter lubricating eyedrops and artificial tears faced recall in 2023, due to contamination and unsafe manufacturing practices.

"This year, we've seen an especially large number of recalls in ophthalmologic products,"said

10 Nov
How Much Vision Loss Impairs Your Driving? New Study Has Answers

How Much Vision Loss Impairs Your Driving? New Study Has Answers

A Mr. Magoo with thick glasses peering out from behind the wheel might not inspire confidence from his fellow motorists, but a new study shows other types of vision loss might be even more dangerous while driving.

Loss of peripheral vision also can dramatically increase ...

09 Nov
Wegovy, Ozempic Probably Won't Harm Vision in People With Diabetes, Study Finds

Wegovy, Ozempic Probably Won't Harm Vision in People With Diabetes, Study Finds

There's good news for people with diabetes who are turning to drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy to treat their disease and lose weight: The drugs probably will not harm their vision.

Semaglutide (the generic name for both medicines) can trigger rapid drops in blood sugar. Pr...

02 Nov
More Eyedrops Recalled Due to Infection Danger

More Eyedrops Recalled Due to Infection Danger

Cardinal Health, Inc. is voluntarily recalling certain LEADER brand eyedrops because they may cause eye infections.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration informed the Dublin, Ohio, company that agency investigators found unsanitary conditions in its manufacturing facilit...

30 Oct
FDA Warns Eyedrops From Major Brands May Cause Infection

FDA Warns Eyedrops From Major Brands May Cause Infection

Federal regulators are warning consumers to stop using eyedrops and gels from several major brands after finding unsanitary conditions in a manufacturing plant.

Twenty-six eye care products are part of the alert. Contaminated products have the potential to cause eye infe...

28 Oct
Staring at Screens Can Cause Eye Strain. Here's Tips to Prevent That

Staring at Screens Can Cause Eye Strain. Here's Tips to Prevent That

Millions of people spend hours looking at screens every day, straining their eyes.

An ophthalmologist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston offers some tips for easing both eye strain and headaches.

"We focus on one object, especially an object that's up close, ...

20 Oct
Put These Foods on Your Grocery List for Better Vision

Put These Foods on Your Grocery List for Better Vision

Nutrition is important for your whole body, including those two small organs through which you look at the world.

The same diet that's good for your heart and the rest of your body will also help your eyes, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO).


08 Sep
Some With Glaucoma May Not Even Know They Have It

Some With Glaucoma May Not Even Know They Have It

New Swedish research suggests that up to 5% of 70-year-olds have glaucoma, and half of those diagnosed didn't even know they had the disease.

"Of those who were diagnosed with glaucoma via the study, 15 people -- or 2.7% of all participants -- were unaware that they had...

23 Aug
Don't Use Dr. Berne's and LightEyez Eye Drops Due to Bacteria, Fungus, FDA Says

Don't Use Dr. Berne's and LightEyez Eye Drops Due to Bacteria, Fungus, FDA Says

Tainted eye drops are back in the news, with federal regulators warning consumers not to use certain eye drops because of contamination concerns.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday

23 Aug
Too Few Kids Are Getting Regular Eye Tests, and Insurance Is Key

Too Few Kids Are Getting Regular Eye Tests, and Insurance Is Key

Eye tests are an important way to catch potential eye-related issues in children, but more than two-thirds of kids in the United States are not receiving them at their checkups.

Those with Medicaid and other public health insurance were far less likely to receive these v...

22 Aug
Eye Scans Could Spot Parkinson's in Earliest Stages

Eye Scans Could Spot Parkinson's in Earliest Stages

British researchers may have found a way to diagnose Parkinson's disease several years sooner.

Researchers at University College London and Moorfields Eye Hospital say that eye scans may be able to detect signs of Parkinson's up to seven years before diagnosis.

"I ...

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