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Results for search "Dieting To Reduce Sugar".

Health News Results - 5

02 Feb
Gruesome Warning Images on Soda Labels Could Cut Consumption

Gruesome Warning Images on Soda Labels Could Cut Consumption

Images of fat-laden, diseased hearts and blackened, rotting feet might be the last thing you expect to see on the label of a can of soda that your child desperately wants, but would such drastic health warnings about the long-term dangers of sugar stop you from buying it?


30 Dec
Weight Loss Your Resolution? Experts Look at Fasting, Keto and Whole 30

Weight Loss Your Resolution? Experts Look at Fasting, Keto and Whole 30

Folks who are determined to shed some pounds in the New Year face a bewildering array of fad diets and quickie weight-loss schemes.

Those weighing eating patterns and diet plans such as

20 Dec
Americans Turning to Trendy Diets to Shed Pandemic Pounds

Americans Turning to Trendy Diets to Shed Pandemic Pounds

Americans in the prime of their lives are worried about the pounds they packed on during the pandemic and plan to do something about it in the new year, a new Harris Poll/HealthDay survey finds.

Nearly 2 of every 3 U.S. adults (63%) plan to change up their diet ...

01 Oct
Diet Drinks May Thwart Efforts to Lose Weight

Diet Drinks May Thwart Efforts to Lose Weight

Trying to slim down? Diet drinks aren't likely to help, researchers warn.

And those containing the artificial sweetener sucralose may even increase food cravings and appetite in women and people who are obese, according to a

10 Aug
Diet Key to Better Health in People With Diabetes

Diet Key to Better Health in People With Diabetes

A diet rich in fresh veggies, fruit and fiber has meaningful benefits for people with diabetes, a new research review confirms.

Doctors have long recommended this kind of "low-glycemic" eating regimen to help patients manage their diabetes and keep blood sugar level...