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Results for search "Dieting To Lower Fat Intake".

Health News Results - 11

21 Apr
Intermittent Fasting: Is It Better Than Typical Weight-Loss Diets?

Intermittent Fasting: Is It Better Than Typical Weight-Loss Diets?

"Time-restricted" eating has become a popular weight-loss tactic, but a new clinical trial finds no benefits in adding it to old-fashioned calorie-cutting.

Time-restricted eating is a form of

14 Jan
Skipping COVID Vaccine in Pregnancy Brings Big Risks to Mothers, Babies

Skipping COVID Vaccine in Pregnancy Brings Big Risks to Mothers, Babies

Unvaccinated pregnant women are putting themselves and their baby at risk for serious complications of COVID-19, according to new research out of Scotland.

For women who have the virus within 28 days of their delivery date, those complications include preterm births, sti...

30 Dec
Weight Loss Your Resolution? Experts Look at Fasting, Keto and Whole 30

Weight Loss Your Resolution? Experts Look at Fasting, Keto and Whole 30

Folks who are determined to shed some pounds in the New Year face a bewildering array of fad diets and quickie weight-loss schemes.

Those weighing eating patterns and diet plans such as

29 Dec
Science Reveals How Red Meat Harms the Heart

Science Reveals How Red Meat Harms the Heart

Red-meat lovers may raise their risk of heart disease through a chain of events that plays out in the gut, a new study suggests.

Many studies over the years have tied diets heavy in red and processed meats to a heightened risk of heart disease and stroke. That type of ev...

21 Dec
Big Review Confirms Power of Fasting Diets for Weight Loss

Big Review Confirms Power of Fasting Diets for Weight Loss

Intermittent fasting is all the rage due to its potential health benefits, and now a new review shows this style of eating really does produce weight loss and may even improve certain markers of heart health.

20 Dec
Americans Turning to Trendy Diets to Shed Pandemic Pounds

Americans Turning to Trendy Diets to Shed Pandemic Pounds

Americans in the prime of their lives are worried about the pounds they packed on during the pandemic and plan to do something about it in the new year, a new Harris Poll/HealthDay survey finds.

Nearly 2 of every 3 U.S. adults (63%) plan to change up their diet ...

08 Nov
Get Your Dietary Fat From Plants, Cut Your Stroke Risk

Get Your Dietary Fat From Plants, Cut Your Stroke Risk

People who get their dietary fat from olive oil rather than steak may help reduce their risk of suffering a stroke, a preliminary study suggests.

The study, of more than 100,000 health professionals, found that those who favored vegetable oils and other plant foods as th...

29 Sep
MIND Diet May Guard Against Alzheimer's

MIND Diet May Guard Against Alzheimer's

The MIND diet may help older people ward off Alzheimer's disease, a new study finds.

Developed by the late Martha Clare Morris, who was a Rush University nutritional epidemiologist, and her colleagues, the MIND diet is a hybrid of the Mediterranean and DASH diets.


27 Sep
Intermittent Fasting Can Cut Your Risk of Diabetes, Heart Disease

Intermittent Fasting Can Cut Your Risk of Diabetes, Heart Disease

In terms of healthy eating, timing is everything.

That's the word from researchers who claim the time of day that you eat may be just as important for your health as what you eat.

Having your meals in a consistent window of 8 to 10 hours may help prevent and manag...

23 Sep
Dairy Foods May Be Good for You After All

Dairy Foods May Be Good for You After All

You remember the ad. It asked if you've "got milk?" and said that "milk does a body good."

So, does it? New research suggests it might.

In the study, people who consumed more dairy fat actually had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease than those who dran...

27 Aug
Getting Healthy After Heart Attack Could Add Over 7 Years to Life

Getting Healthy After Heart Attack Could Add Over 7 Years to Life

Heart attack survivors could gain more than seven healthy years of life if they take the right medications and improve their lifestyle, new research estimates.

Unfortunately, studies have found, heart attack survivors rarely get optimal control over their risk factors.