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Results for search "Mitral Valve Prolapse".

Health News Results - 2

28 Dec
Black Patients More Likely to Get Riskier Heart Surgeries

Black Patients More Likely to Get Riskier Heart Surgeries

Insured Black patients are less likely to undergo minimally invasive heart valve replacement or repairs -- relatively safe procedures -- than their white counterparts, new research shows.

Black patients who need a mitral valve replacement are more likely to have operatio...

09 Sep
Mom-to-Be's 'Leaky' Heart Valves May Pose More Danger Than Thought

Mom-to-Be's 'Leaky' Heart Valves May Pose More Danger Than Thought

Leaky heart valves can put pregnant women at serious risk, according to a large study that runs counter to established practice.

The condition used to be considered relatively harmless during pregnancy. But this analysis by Johns Hopkins University researchers of more th...