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Results for search "Ethics".

Health News Results - 3

23 Jan
Dana Farber Cancer Center to Retract or Fix Dozens of Studies

Dana Farber Cancer Center to Retract or Fix Dozens of Studies

The prestigious Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston will retract six studies and correct 31 more as part of an ongoing investigation into claims of data manipulation.

The action follows allegations that a British molecular biologist posted in a

22 Mar
New Technique 80% Effective in Selecting a Baby's Gender

New Technique 80% Effective in Selecting a Baby's Gender

It's a controversial notion, but couples undergoing fertility treatments may soon be able to select the sex of their baby -- with an 80% chance of success, doctors say.

Sperm-sorting techniques have been tried and offered before, but the new procedure -- which separ...

18 Nov
Neurologists' Group Issues Guidance to Families on Controversial Alzheimer's Drug

Neurologists' Group Issues Guidance to Families on Controversial Alzheimer's Drug

Neurologists must make sure Alzheimer's patients and their families understand that the controversial drug aducanumab does not restore mental function, the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) said in new position statement that includes ethical guidelines.

"Aducanumab is...