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Results for search "Oxycontin".

Health News Results - 2

01 Dec
Getting a Pacemaker Can Raise Odds for Opioid Abuse

Getting a Pacemaker Can Raise Odds for Opioid Abuse

People who are prescribed opioid painkillers after receiving a heart pacemaker or defibrillator may be at risk for opioid abuse -- and the higher the initial dose, the greater the risk, according to a new study.

"The significance of this study is to make other electrophy...

11 Oct
Surgery Often a Gateway to Opioid Abuse, Study Confirms

Surgery Often a Gateway to Opioid Abuse, Study Confirms

Surgery is a common gateway to opioid misuse that can put patients at risk of an overdose.

That's the conclusion of a new analysis of data from nearly 14,000 adults who had surgery between 2013 and 2019 at UCLA hospitals. All were opioid-naive, meaning they had not fille...